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Saturday, 5 April 2014

Praying for someone you Love!

What should someone do, when she/he is sad? What would you do, when you miss someone? Would you like to devote a whole sleepless night just by glaring at the shady and solitary sky of a miserable night? Or how about some senseless music to charge you up by dancing on them. I heard painting helps some to revive themselves by bringing their creativity on. But today, I have decided I want to write.

I know for many writing can be so boring. Even if you are good at it, what would you prefer to write the most? Is it a poem of love for someone you care about? Or a story describing the most awkward situation which you have dealt with recently and you think you would like to share them with your friends. But today, I wanted to write a poem, but ended up opening my pc and complaining through this digital piece of paper.

So if you have read the above two subsections, I know by now, that you like questioning yourself and the chances that you are going to read this paper till the very end, is very high.

Just today, while you were in the class have you questioned yourself, that why were you not able to give the best answer among all, in the shortest period of time? Or was the boss at your office too harsh on you just because you couldn’t submit your final report before the deadline, while others were appreciated.

Do you also feel the same way that it’s ok if you are not the hero at every game around, sometime it’s fine to lose and be second? It gives us the chance to excel, raises our hungriness to do better and learn from our mistakes. But can you deal with rejections and failures like many of our closed ones, because often time I can’t and I fail more often.

Recently have you tried to make someone happy and failed? I did! I have found most of the time I can make people laugh with fake stories and smiles and not to mention people falls for lame jokes very well. But isn’t it so heart breaking that you are trying to do something to make someone happy from the deepest part of your heart, but the person seems to care less or don’t even bother to fell considerate.

Does it occur to you too, that you are listening to one of your favorite song and for the first time you understood its meaning and for the whole time you were envisioning someone you love, but in reality, there was no extra real part of that, it was just a song. The greatest gismo to make a heart appease with its melodious zephyr – the music can actually make you gloomy, it does for me. Have you ever tried to listen to a favorite song of someone special and not remember her/him for a single time, is it ever possible? May be because love is magical.

Love is special, love is kind, love knows no boundary, but sometime don’t you think there should have been a limit on how much people exaggerates on this special term - love? Love may be blind for someone, but for most it’s the single tool that makes them strong, it gives them hope to know themselves. Few times love rescinds people but for many it gives them a chance to re-experience themselves and win the heart of many. Love is lucky when someone is being loved. But for many like me, love is the drug of my life, and I am still searching that love!

After spending around ten minutes reading the above lines with the mentioning of love for so many times, have you tried to think of someone special, even for a small span of time? You see, this is how it works, you can’t really explain it by writing or by sketching, and this is something even the best poets can’t put together in rhyming words.

So what are you going to do for that someone you love today? The person can be from the past tense, or someone you promised yourself that you are never going to call them again, but today it’s different, everything can be tried for the first time. How about we send a single text to them just to let them know that no matter what they have done to us or how much we care for them and still they don’t bother to ask how we are, that at least they are in our prayers, and we will love them always.

There is no harm in praying for someone you love. 

Friday, 29 November 2013

Automatic Arduino based Traffic Signal Controller

In its simplest form, an Arduino is a tiny computer that you can program to process inputs and outputs going to and from the chip.

The Arduino is what is known as a Physical or Embedded Computing platform, which means that it is an interactive system, that through the use of hardware and software can interact with itʼs environment.

The Arduino hardware and software are both Open Source, which means the code, the schematics, design, etc. are all open for anyone to take freely and do what they like with it.

Project - Automatically Controlled Traffic Signal Lights

We are now going to create a set of traffic lights that will change from green to red, via amber, and back again, after a set length of time using the 4-state system. This project could be used on a model railway to make a set of working traffic lights or for a childʼs toy town.

What you will need:
·        Breadboard
·        Red Diffused LED
·        Yellow Diffused LED
·        Green Diffused LED
·        3 x 220Ω Resistors
·        Jumper Wires

Connect it up

This time we have connected 3 LEDʼs with the Anode of each one going to Digital Pins 8, 9 and 10, via a 220Ω resistor each. We have taken a jumper wire from Ground to the
Ground rail at the top of the breadboard and a ground wire goes from the Cathode leg of each LED to the common ground rail.

Enter the code

int ledDelay = 10000; // delay in between changes
int redPin = 10;
int yellowPin = 9;
int greenPin = 8;
void setup() {
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellowPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// turn the red light on
digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH);
delay(ledDelay); // wait 5 seconds
digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // turn on yellow
delay(2000); // wait 2 seconds
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); // turn green on
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // turn red off
digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // turn yellow off
delay(ledDelay); // wait ledDelay milliseconds
digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // turn yellow on
digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW); // turn green off
delay(2000); // wait 2 seconds
digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // turn yellow off
// now our loop repeats

Enter the following code, check it and upload.

My Project

Monday, 19 August 2013



The surprisingly outrageous news of Oishee might help us to agree to the fact that, how dangerous is mental illness and how much easier it is for us to get affected-in this busy life of ours. The same real life, where people are once in a blue moon seen to be helpful to each other and does not have any idea of what true real-love is. The same society where kids are growing up with the ideology and philosophies of the house maids and the car drivers, because they are the one who were there for them, while their parents were busy making riches. The worst of all case is, when the bonding and breakups shown on the TV serials are more significant to them than their own family.

Read More at:

Saturday, 6 July 2013

How AgroTech Social Business can contribute and boost an Agricultural Based economy: In the perspective of Bangladesh

How AgroTech Social Business can contribute and boost an Agricultural Based economy:
In the perspective of Bangladesh

Asif Mahmood Abbas
EEE Student, EECS Department, North South University
Chief Project Coordinator, South Asian Youth Society (SAYS)
Events Chair, IEEE NSU Student Branch
Executive Body Member, Society of Science Engineering & Technology (NSU SSET)

I am a meek engineering student who was supposed to perish in the hub of heavy books; but for some cause I had always been ardent about helping others and doing something inventive for the society. Since my A’level days, I couldn’t stop the longing for organizing and executing social initiatives. While for years my dream was to study Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, but I ended up in an Electrical Engineering School-well it helped to redefine my dreams and the way I can contribute for my country.
It’s kind of bizarre that I am writing about engineering particulars for a Social Business related souvenir. Well, that’s me.

So, what is Social Business?

Many people still get muddled with the concrete definition of social business (SB); especially students like me from a dissimilar background other than Business. According to ‘YUNUS Social Business Global Initiative’ website, “A SB is a non-dividend company created to solve a social problem. Like an NGO, it has a social mission, but like a business it generates its own revenues to cover its costs. While investors may recoup their investment, all further profits are reinvested into the same or other social businesses”.

As per the formal definition, you need a problem and a social mission if you want to twitch your own SB. So, if we look around and accumulate data about the various social glitches, then without any doubt agriculture and its associated fields will make its way to the top of the list.

So how important is agriculture to us?

Since the birth of Bangladesh, Agriculture is the dominant economic activity and regarded as the lifeline of Bangladesh’s growth. Agriculture mainly includes crops, fisheries, livestock, and forestry interrelated sectors.  According to the ‘National Agriculture Policy 2010’ report from Ministry of Agriculture of Bangladesh, “as the largest private enterprise, agriculture contributes about 21% of the GDP, sustains the livelihood of about 52% of the labor force, and remains a major supplier of raw materials for agro-based industries.”  

As we all know and have seen in our daily lives and we are so thankful to our farmers, because of them we can have fresh vegetables and in some cases, good quality fishes everyday on our kitchen table. Regardless of the conventional way of farming and cultivation procedures, people are getting acquainted with new know-hows and are adapting pioneering skills and systems in their mode of work.

So how important is International Agencies in bringing technologies and techniques for a better agriculture farm and what are their roles so far?

In the sector of aquaculture-agriculture sector of Bangladesh, among hundreds of International Organizations, WorldFish is indeed one of the biggest contributors. WorldFish has a long history of involvement in the development and adaptation of appropriate aquaculture and management practices for smallholder farms in target countries. A substantial portion of that research has been conducted with partners in Bangladesh.  With the objective of generating an appropriate and sustainable low-cost aquaculture technology for small rural farmers, they started IAA-based aquaculture research in Bangladesh in the 1990s. (Jahan, Beveridge, & Brooks, 2008).

Now as a global citizen, technology has started to come to us at a faster rate than we have imagined but for the rural farmers the speed is very sluggish. Still, tech like Biological Control, Tissue Culture, SMS Based Agricultural Help center, Gene Bank integrated robotics for tractors and other light vehicles are spreading all over Bangladesh. But we can’t forget the fact that majority of the farmers are underprivileged and uneducated, who, on most of the time are unwilling to accept the transformation.

So what about those farmers who live below the level of poverty?

According to the report “Mapping Poverty for Rural Bangladesh: Implications for Pro-poor Development” by Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD),2004, ‘Agricultural interventions are important, not only for increasing the productivity of rice - the dominant crop, but also for diversifying production systems appropriate to the national ecology of the area. Food for work, food for education, VGD, etc., should be targeted to upazilas with higher intensities of poverty.’  According to their survey in more than 225 upazilas, they have found the linkage between wage variation and special variation of poverty appears to be small because agriculture activities as a major occupation is taken up by only 15-20 percent of households. Among these households about half of their time is spent on waged employment. Other working days are spent on other activities including self employment.

Considering the above data is relevant at present-day, so we are left with an enormous population who can be well trained with some rudimentary skills so that they can subsidize to other areas associated to agriculture.  If we can host training foundations where local youths can learn how to use and operate hi-tech, low cost mechanisms, surely it will start a revolution-a change in the ground of agriculture. No matter how much a common student like me tries to bring something new, it won’t be conceivable unless or until our Government is enthusiastic to help and present new technologies and take required steps to involve many more societies in the agricultural sectors.

So what is the Government actually doing?

According to another paper, “Sustainable Agriculture: A Challenge In Bangladesh”, the sustainability of conventional agriculture in Bangladesh is under threat from the continuous degradation of land and water resources, and from declining yields due to indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals. They also emphasized that the Government is pursuing efforts to promote sustainable agriculture with emphasis on better use of on-farm resources and the reduction of external inputs.

So personally what I accept as true is that, we cannot deny the fact that how important Agriculture is for us and provided we can introduce latest and innovative technologies- it can do much better.

So how about the financing?

From the Government side, they will conclude by saying that we got a separate bank, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, out-and-out only for the agricultural sector of Bangladesh. Recently from the central bank a pronouncement was taken to familiarize small loans from all the banks for the agriculture related business and products; but there are enough qualms as how active they are and how much prevalent are they to attract the rural farmers. This is where establishments like Grameen Bank and others NGO’s were so efficacious with their microcredit strategies and schemes, they were both striking and easy to get.

 Then how about coalescing a huge group and doing something collaboratively with an adequate sum of investment? The answer is AgroTech based Social Business! We got the problem and the social issue: which is the Agriculture Techniques. Now in order to make the commercial more lucrative, unique and very attractive we can lead and come up with prodigious ideas that can relate Agriculture, which are low-cost, easy to use and widely existing.

So, what are the technologies available to us?

If we look at our neighboring countries like India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and China, then we find that their encroachment and researches in the field of Agriculture is astonishing. For example some of the technologies like Tractors with Autopilot, using Ultrasound to move a flock of animals, Integrated Irrigation system using Smartphone, Automatic sensors for crops and their Documentations are easy to built and design even by students and can be introduced to the market through a good Social Business Concept.

If certain enterprises can come up with certain unambiguous plans as to introduce new ideas, I think it will hearten more students towards exploration and to contribute for their own country. As a chain reaction the Government will highlight this sector more and will underline on innovation of Technologies instead of snowballing subsidies in the National Budget. As a whole, the rural farmers will be promoted from such SB concepts and sooner or later help to build a Better Bangladesh.

·         ASR. 2006. Agriculture Sector Review (Crop sub sector). Actionable policy brief and resource Implications. Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 14-51.
·         BRRI. 2010. Rice statistics in Bangladesh. Gazipur: Bangladesh Rice Knowledge Bank, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. ( 
·         BBS. 2008. Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Govt. People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 121-134.
·         BER. 2009. Bangladesh Economic Review, Department of Finance, Ministry of Finance, Govt. People’s Republic of Bangladesh. pp. 83-85.
·         Yunus Social Business, []
·         National Agriculture Policy, 2010 []
·         M.A.A. Faroque1, M.A. Kashem and S.E. Bilkis, ‘SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: A CHALLENGE IN BANGLADESH’, Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 1 (1&2): 1-8, December, 2011.
·         Mapping Poverty for Rural Bangladesh: Implications for Pro-poor Development, Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD), July 2004.
·         Khondker Murshed-E-Jahan, Charles Crissman, John Antle, Economic and social impacts of integrated aquaculture-agriculture technologies in Bangladesh, AAS-2013-02.

N.B: This article was published on the magazine of Social Business Forum 2013.

Lord, please accept my prayer and I don't want to forget it.

Dear Lord,

Today I have apprehended that I am left with only 18 months in hand, but still haven’t done much to touch my goalmouths or my eventual dreams. If I don’t act or become serious from now on, then there is a great chance, that I might lose it all.

Lord, give me abundant dynamism so that I can toil so hard, that the next 18 months will remain as the stiffest working time of my lifespan. Give ample serenity to my mind and soul so that it don’t get distracted towards less imperative things, rather direct it towards my priorities, upsurge my attentiveness towards my studies and research.

Meanwhile, give me those prospects so that I can bump into those people, who got offended because of my troublesomeness or something immature- that I might have done grudgingly; but deep inside the heart they felt bad and started hating me. I want to make sure and elucidate where I was wrong and I need their help to rectify myself.

Lord, I know who my dad is and where from he came and how many things he forewent for our family. There was not a single thing so far, which we asked and never time-honored it. He skilled us the difference between right and wrong and told us how to single out them. Latterly, due to some anomalous action of mine, he was really miffed and stopped talking to me for days, only then I appreciated what I have done and how off beam I was. I am happy that things are now satisfactory and I thank You a lot, for passing this realization to me. Lord, please provide me verve so that I can live up to all of his dreams.

My mom, hmm, the only person with whom I wrangle so much and have disagreements and dissimilar judgment in most of the concerns, still I know how much she loves me and I hope she understands how much we three sibling loves her. Lately after her accident, the day when the Milad Sharif took place on the mosque and the moment Imam Hujur started Munajat for her; I realized how much I love her as I couldn’t stop my tears. Lord, please give us both Hedaayet, so that we can clear all of our differences and set an example of how cool the relationship between a mom and her son can be. InShaaAllah.

Well, at the very start of the year I decided and made a pact that I am not going to date anyone until December 2014; and I am still holding on that. Lord, please bounce me plenty oomph, so that I can apprehend the Haraam things and stay away from them; so that I can maintain the rule of Pardaa’ of Islam. It’s really hard for me to do so, but I am indomitable that I want to do that, because I fear you and I want to be the best husband for my future wife.

In this case I don’t want to be a whited sepulcher and be a double faced git. Yes, I like someone, I like her for years but I can’t do anything about it – right at this moment. The more I am procrastinating, I know deep inside how bad it feels, and she is just getting away from me. But what can I do, my hands are snarled! Lord I always prayed: ‘Please do something’, because I couldn’t bear the soreness of not getting her close; and the fact that-I was pushing her far away. Lord, you are the Best Planner. I like her so much, that I think she is the best thing that ever happened to me through any of my friends. Yes I want her, but I also want the best for her too. If she is in my destiny, then let her be! If not, I have to deal with that, and I really have no idea how I am going to do that. Lord, one thing is for sure, I am not going to give up and I want to be the best man for her and I want to do that till the very last moment, following all the Halal ways.

Lord, I can’t thank You enough, for all the things that you have provided me with, best mom and dad, such a thoughtful and sweet sister and such an upright little brother. I could never whine about the health wealth, happiness of our family, Alhamdulillah. Lord, please increase the level of patience of my family and make us determined to do something for the country, for the Muslim Umh’ah. I am sanctified with so many mentors and friends, I don’t think I ever had to pass a single day being sad or depressed, because they were always there to cheer me up.

Lord within days, Ramadan is going to start and we are waiting for it with such anticipation. This year, the day length is too long and the summer temperature is too high, Lord, please have your mercy on the poor people and guide the youths of today so that they can do something for the unfortunate ones in this month and earn 70 times more Sawwab. Lord, this year during the month of Ramadan I have intended to recite the Holy Qur’an - once, fully-from the start to the end. Please, accept my Niy’at and guide me properly so that I can recite in the most correct way. And I would also like to attend all the ‘Khatmey Tarabi’ prayer on the mosque. Along with this, give me enough opportunities to pray 5 times at the Mosque, so that it becomes a convention and I don’t miss any Salah on purpose; and most importantly, So that I can pray them all on time. Ameen.

Lord, I want to be the best son every mother and father would be proud of, and I also want to be the best brother every sibling would be inspired of. I want do excel so much in life, so that I can present myself to my future wife - as the best husband she can get; and in doing so, I want to be a good father and a good provider for my kids. Lord, I want to travel miles before I go to sleep. Please guide me. InShaaAllah!

But in doing so, I don’t want to be unable to summon up what my true identity is, that who I am and what is my duty in this world. I am a human being, an ‘Ashraful Makhlukat’, the best of Your creation. And You have created us only so that we worship you. You are ‘Allah-hu-Samadun’, ‘Allah-hu-Muhaiminun’, You are ‘Gofurur Rahim’; Indeed the best of all names belongs to you.

Allah (swt), please give us enough liveliness, so that we can differentiate between the right and wrong and cross every barrier towards a better future worshipping You.


Friday, 21 June 2013

And you dived too deep

I remember few years back, someone told me: that I someone used to be her inspiration. She mentioned that he died for her and that's how she lost her inspiration. 

But no one ever cared about my inspiration. No one tried to see what I see or tried to break the walls of my fear. Until recently. 

Recently I rediscovered what it means when a person is your source of inspiration. I understood how it feels when the you have lost your inspiration; maybe the person died for you; or is far away and doesn't bother to care about.

I have seen myself being so helpless and so miserable sometimes, just because I didn't know what to do.  But earlier, it was so easy for me; maybe because there was someone with whom I could share so much and so many things. 

It's hard to survive when someone leaves a mark in your life. It's tough when you try to think about all the good memories that you had in the past; and everywhere it's just her. Years passes by, but still...

What is important in your life is to be happy and live every moment of it. If you can't be happy at least try to make other people happy. I heard she is happy so should I be.

"Staring at the ceiling in the dark 
Same old empty feeling in your heart 
'Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast

Well you see her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
'Cause you loved her too much
And you dived too deep"

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present

There is no credit, in living in the past. 
It does no good to anyone. 
Most of the time, all we can get is the bad things. 
Thinking more about the past will increase your frustration, 
nothing else!

Thinking about the future will increase your anxiety.

Live in the present, 
you can control it and you can try to make the best out of it, 
and that’s what important. 
Be practical.

~My favorite Psychiatrist and Clinical Psychologist